For Individuals
We are delighted that you share our vision of Transforming Notts, Together. Here are some ways you can get involved and make a difference, as an individual.

Get connected
TNT equips churches and individuals to engage with their local communities, tackle poverty and bring positive and lasting change. Places of Welcome, Grief Support Groups, and key links from across Nottingham City and Nottingham County can be found using this interactive map.
If you're looking for somewhere to make connections, meet new people or access support, our interactive map will allow you to see what is on offer near you.

A volunteer-led programme supporting people affected by homelessness by building long-term relationships and connection. In partnership with the Together Network and Church Urban Fund, Wayfinder is a programme that is founded in recognition of the importance of relationships in breaking the cycle of homelessness.

Mental Health and Wellbeing
Resources and signposting to facilities across the county, and details of our Come As You Are course can be found here.

Money and debt advice
Don't struggle alone. There are a large number of organisations and charities willing to help with any money worries.

Food Poverty
3.6% (1 million adults) reported that they or someone in their household have had to go a whole day without eating in the past month because they couldn’t afford or access food.

We couldn't do the work we do without generous donations and funding. Thank you!

If you shop online, did you know you can support our work at no extra cost to you?! Please follow the link to choose Transforming Notts Together as your chosen charity.