About Us

'A society free from poverty and isolation where people are able to thrive' (TNT vision)

Our Mission Statement

'TNT builds relationships with churches across Nottinghamshire and inspires, equips and connects them as they help people break free from poverty and isolation arising from injustice and inequality.'

We achieve this by:

  • Inspiring churches to engage with communities by bringing to life how injustice and inequality impacts on people.
  • Equipping and partnering with churches, enhancing and developing their skills and resources so they can make a greater difference locally.
  • Connecting churches and Christian organisations by coordinating networks and promoting wider collaborative working.

Our team


Hannah Buck

Lead Development Worker | Responsible for: leading the team; developing future TNT work; leading Christian Action Nottingham & Faith Action Newark & Sherwood; running Getting Started/ Signposting workshops | NG7 2FF

07734 994637 Email
Sue Buckby

Sue Buckby

Admin Assistant | Responsible for: comms; supporting the behind the scenes organising of all we do; website updates

07518 949243 Email
Julia Terry pic

Julia Terry

Development Worker | Responsible for Faith Action Mansfield; coordinating Places of Welcome; Faith Action Ashfield; Grief & bereavement workshops; Linking lives befriending

07873 105285 Email
Jackie Smith

Jackie Smith

Assistant Development Worker | Responsible for supporting Places of Welcome; Grief & bereavement workshops and Linking Lives befriending

07566 886062 Email

Caroline Riley

Development Worker | Responsible for: Development of Christian Action Nottingham including 8 themed sub groups

07973 801647 Email
Paul Howard

Paul Howard

Older Persons Enabler | Responsible for: Dementia Friendly Churches; Dementia awareness workshops; supporting set up of bereavement groups

07522 385308 Email

Paul Street

Development Worker - LifeSavers | Responsible for: LifeSavers education programme in Notts' schools; Milo's Money

Lauren Parton

Lauren Parton

Assistant Development Worker | Responsible for: Delivering Let's Talk Money: Young people, & supporting Places of Welcome & Linking Lives

07730 769845 Email

Lindsay Cressey

Near Neighbours Coordinator | Responsible for: Near Neighbours Nottingham grants; mentoring and support for new projects bringing people from different ethnicities or faiths together

07522 381533 Email

Farah Khan

Near Neighbours Worker

07743 792877 Email


David Mc Coulough

David McCoulough

TNT Chairperson - I'm Director of Partnerships and Mission for the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham, helping the Anglican Church in the city and the county to work with partners from the public, voluntary, business and wider faith sectors to tackle poverty and isolation.

Jon Chambers

John Chambers

Trustee - Retired from running my own business, which helped companies to improve their performance in innovation and creativity.

Sam Crawford

Sam Crawford

Trustee - I'm the Head of Income Development for Notts County Football in the Community

Tim Heeley

Tim Heeley

Trustee - A former broadcast journalist and public relations consultant, I've held contracts with SMEs and all levels of Government. I'm a leader at Keyworth Baptist Church and curate a website about Discipleship.

Ruth Marlow

Ruth Marlow

Trustee - I've served in Local Government from housing manager to chief executive and am currently the Diocesan Secretary of Coventry Diocese.

Liam O Boyle

Liam O’Boyle

Trustee - I'm Partnerships Officer for the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham, with unique insight into working with churches, other faiths, third sector organisations and statutory organisations.

Kat Osborne

Kat Osborn

Trustee - I'm Chief Executive Officer with Safe Families for Children.

Church Urban Fund

TNT is a Joint Venture between the Church Urban Fund (CUF) and the Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham and is part of the Together Network, which involves 20 similar independent organisations working in deprived areas, England-wide, all supported by the Church Urban Fund.

Visit Website

Together Network

The Together Network is an alliance of 21 charities known as joint ventures linked by faith and driven by the desire to see communities flourish throughout England.

Visit Website


JOIN US in our bid to transform lives and communities by taking any of the following steps:

  • Explore how your church can engage with the work of TNT
  • Volunteer your time and energy
  • Donate your money either with a regular or one-off gift
  • Pray regularly for our most deprived communities, for all those seeking to support and transform them
  • Sign up for the newsletter on the form below to stay informed