
Here are some of the stories of how Transforming Notts Together is making a difference in our communities...

#TNT Talks

At Transforming Notts Together, we have produced some videos with our Faith Action Network partners to give a visual perspective of the impact on lives in and around Nottinghamshire. With thanks so far to:

👏Louisa from The Beacon Project

👏Megan from Open Homes Nottingham

👏Adam from Refugee Roots

👏Clare from Salvation Army Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Team

👏Chris from Bestwood Park Church Nottingham

👏 Chris from Free to Be (St. John's with St. Mary's, Mansfield)

👏 Andrew Jenkins from St. Katherine's Teversal

Success Dark Orange 06

Impact Report 2020

For a fuller insight into our impact for last year, please see our 2020 Annual Review which can be found here

TNT2020 Summary
An Overview of Our Impact in 2020

Places of Welcome Case Study- Bestwood Park Church

Bestwood Park Church- This church was already active in their local community but wanted to do something more focused on mental health. They visited a Renew wellbeing café and a Mental Health support group in Arnold but felt they wanted to start something realistic for them, with a lower bar in terms of support offered. They invited Transforming Notts Together (TNT) to come and talk more about the aims of Places of Welcome (PW).

After the initial conversation, we then led a workshop with those interested in coordinating or volunteering at the PW. The group were keen to get started and had lots of brilliant ideas as to what was needed in their community, what they wanted their PW to look like, and who they felt they were targeting. The church at Bestwood is very much a part of the community and have already responded well to the needs within it but they had identified a gap that PW could possibly fill.

The PW was launched in January 2020. At the opening event the atmosphere was relaxed and full of fun and excitement! Most of those attending were new to the church, some having accessed other community projects on offer.

Bestwood POW 2

TNT followed up with a second visit and found numbers had expanded! Visitors spoke about the difference it had made to their everyday lives. Within the friendly space there were refreshments being served, conversation taking place, board and card games being played and even a crash course in crochet being offered. The visitors were fully involved and spoke enthusiastically about ‘their Place of Welcome’. There was such a sense of community.

TNT continues to keep in touch and has offered training and support to the coordinators and volunteers as well as inviting them to the coordinator meetings.

Over lockdown, the church has connected with those whose contact details they had and delivered meals to many of them.


JOIN US in our bid to transform lives and communities by taking any of the following steps:

  • Explore how your church can engage with the work of TNT
  • Volunteer your time and energy
  • Donate your money either with a regular or one-off gift
  • Pray regularly for our most deprived communities, for all those seeking to support and transform them
  • Sign up for the newsletter on the form below to stay informed