Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental health and wellbeing affects all of us. So how can The Church play its role in supporting wellbeing, and in walking the long road with those affected by mental ill-health...?
The issues facing people with mental health problems are wide-ranging and complex. Often there are no easy solutions. But then people aren't puzzles to be solved- but valued individuals worthy of love and dignity. How can The Church promote the nurture of wellbeing, alongside reaching out to help reduce the isolation and stigmatisation that people with mental health problems face?
So often, we wait for someone more qualified than us to do the work- especially around supporting those who are grieving, or who have mental ill health. And yes, when we are walking with vulnerable people, we need to make sure that we do no further harm than has already been done. And we need to be very boundaried in knowing what our limitations are, and who we can signpost to if someone needs professional support.

Transforming Notts Together received funding from the Benefact Trust to develop initiatives to equip churches to do just that. Ambitiously, this work will focus on three main areas: to develop and deliver a workshop to support churches to start a wellbeing ministry; to set up a mental health subgroup as part of our CAN network; and to train Mental Health First Aiders in churches within Nottinghamshire
CAN Mental Health Subgroup
Our Mental Health and Wellbeing subgroup launched in person in November '22. The aim is to gather people together to pray and to provide peer support, as well as to share resources, experience and signposting. If you are a Christian working in the mental health or wellbeing sector, or represent a church or Christian project that has or is seeking to start a wellbeing ministry, then we would love for you to join with us.
We are planning to alternate in person and online meetings, every 6-8 weeks, to make this forum as accessible as possible. For more information, get in touch with Nigel on
'Come As You Are': A Two-Part Wellbeing 'Workshop' for Churches
‘Come as you are’ is a two-part workshop to equip churches in Nottinghamshire to consider what might be the next (or first) step towards purposefully supporting their congregation and community in the area of mental health.
Unlike our other workshops, this will be less about sharing information, but more of a facilitated conversation to help us think through what walking with people on the road to wellbeing might look like in our particular church or setting.
Part one is designed to help us consider mental health from both a professional and a biblical perspective, as well as creating good foundations for our own wellbeing before we seek to walk with others.
Part two will think specifically about wellbeing in a church context- what barriers exist? What practical foundations do we need to consider? Which charities or projects are already working in this area and how can we partner with them instead of reinventing the wheel?
Come as you are aims to create a safe space to ask burning questions and share experiences. As such, we are limiting numbers to ten for each session and ask where possible that you book onto the corresponding part two so that we can keep continuity for that group of participants.
If you have any questions, or you would like us to deliver Come As You Are as a bespoke session for a group at your church, please get in touch with one of the team using our contact page.
Come As You Are Aims and Objectives
- Raise awareness in churches about mental health issues
- Train and support churches to start new projects and join existing ones
- Create a safe space for individuals to ask questions, consider barriers to being a ‘Mental Health Friendly Church’, and reflect on their own wellbeing with a view to decreasing stigma and increasing acceptance
- Share some stories of lived experience and think through what may be helpful/ unhelpful within a church and pastoral context for those struggling with mental health
Come As You Are Workshop Content
Part 1 (focusing on individuals)
Mental Health: A professional overview
In the Beginning…: A Biblical model of ‘shalom’
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Looking after you
Part 2 (focusing on a church context)
Being with vs. Doing to: Walking the long road
Theological Barriers?: Stigma in a Christian context
‘Mental Health Friendly Church’: Creating a safe and supportive community
How Can my Church Get Started?: Examples of different approaches
Next Steps…: Continuing the conversation

Training Mental Health First Aiders
The final part of the funding is to facilitate the training of 50 local church or lay leaders as Mental Health First Aiders through MHFA England. Qualifying as a Mental Health First Aider helps the individual to be more equipped to know how to provide initial support and where to signpost to.
Similar to physical first aid, it is important to note that this is not a replacement for seeking ongoing medical support from qualified professionals. Nor does it qualify an individual to make any attempt at a diagnosis of mental ill-health. However, the excellent course from MHFA England does provide a good grounding in different mental health conditions, as well as training in how to respond to individuals with a calm air, and resources to provide signposting support.

If you are looking for mental health support, for yourself or someone close to you, please see our Mental Wellbeing Resources page for some local and national organisations that may be able to help.
And a 'Supporting Your Mental Health' directory pdf here (Ashfield District Council)
Nottingham City signposting at Asklion
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