Transforming Notts’ Housing Conference Lays the Foundations for More Affordable Housing

On the 22nd November, over 160 people from churches, organisations and as individuals came together to engage in discussion about how to restore the affordable housing pathway.

Update: 19/12/2023
Since the conference, Nigel has been busy exploring what comes next, and working on further developments:
- Yes Lets has become a not-for-profit letting agency, and as a direct result of the conference, has new clients happy to let their house at an affordable rent.
- The idea of a Nottingham Investment Fund is being explored specifically for affordable housing in the Nottingham city area.
- Having been brought together at the conference, a church and local architect are discussing plans to develop accommodation on unused church land.
- Discussions are being had about the availability of redundant land around the City.
We will update this regularly with key developments, so keep checking in, and if you know of any developments we have missed, please email Nigel at

Day Conference
One hundred and sixty people gathered at our housing conference on 22nd November! This demonstrated substantial interest from all those involved in housing provision: charities, churches, landlords, local authorities and others. There was a strong commitment from all concerned to establish stronger partnerships and find solutions together.

Housing providers included Green Pastures, Hope into Action, Yes Lets, Open Homes, Refugee Roots, the Jericho Road Project, Nottingham City Council, Pathway Housing Solutions and others.
From the workshops and discussions several themes emerged as follows:-
- A holistic approach – a common theme that this is not just about providing accommodation. There is a need to join up every aspect of support from homelessness to long term secure living. This will include outreach through to tenancy support and the pastoral involvement of local churches.
- Nottingham Investment Fund – the possibility of establishing a new investment fund which would be used specifically to purchase and develop new affordable homes in the Nottingham area.

- Empty Properties – there is redundant land and property within Nottingham city and attached to churches that could be suitable for housing development
- Nottingham Private Rent Assistance Scheme – Nottingham City Council is expanding its scheme to support landlords to provide better quality/more affordable housing.
- YES LETS has been established as a new not-for-profit letting agency to manage affordable housing on behalf of small and large investors.

A heartfelt THANK YOU to the many housing organisations, charities and individuals who spoke, led workshops, exhibited and conversed with so many people over the course of the day. We look forward to seeing the fruits of these conversations in due course!
Can you support us in restoring affordable housing?
There is a very real and obvious need to need to enable a greater partnership towards more affordable housing. Currently Transforming Notts Together has stepped forward to facilitate this collaboration. But we don’t have funds or a budget for this work, it’s a leap of faith. If you would like to support this work financially either as a one off donation, or with regular giving, please click here.
Powerpoints, key information and websites from the day and evening presentations and workshops.

Nottingham City Council
Homelessness & Housing Strategy

Providing a pathway from homelessness to permanent housing
Resources from:
John Kurht, keynote speaker and CEO of Hope Into Action
Cathy Gretton, Hope into Action, Nottingham

Options for finance
Alan Moorhouse, Green Pastures

Jemma Baldry, Transforming Notts Together

Yes Lets
A new not-for-profit letting and property management agency, aiming to provide “move-on and long-term housing.” Individuals or groups of investors can purchase properties that will be managed by Yes Lets.

Allia Future Homes
Planning and Delivering Supported Modular Home Communities.

Duncan Miller - Private Landlords

Making property and land available for affordable housing
Simon Cartwright, TNT & Fred Ratley, Thrive Together Birmingham