Near Neighbours
The Near Neighbours programme is administered by Church Urban Fund, the Church of England’s social action charity.
Unity in Diversity
Near Neighbours brings people together in communities that are religiously and ethnically diverse, so that they can get to know each other better, build relationships of trust, and collaborate together on initiatives that improve the local community they live in.
Near Neighbours operates to two principle aims: social interaction and social action.
Social interaction is to develop positive relationships in multi-faith areas and help people from different faiths get to know and understand each other better.
Social action looks to encourage people of different faiths and of no faith to come together for intiatives that improve their local neighbourhood.
If you are interested in starting a new project, or joining an existing one, please contact Lindsay Cressey the local co-ordinator for Nottingham.
Or, for more information, please visit the Near Neighbours website and find out what is happening in the Nottingham hub.
JOIN US in our bid to transform lives and communities by taking any of the following steps:
- Explore how your church can engage with the work of TNT
- Volunteer your time and energy
- Donate your money either with a regular or one-off gift
- Pray regularly for our most deprived communities, for all those seeking to support and transform them
- Sign up for the newsletter on the form below to stay informed